Do Not Neglect the Cross of Christ
But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. Gal 6:14
I declare I know no greater proof of a person’s depravity than the fact that thousands of so-called Christians see nothing lovely in the cross. Well may our hearts be called stony, well may the eyes of our mind be called blind, well may our whole nature be called diseased, well may we all be called dead, when the cross of Christ is heard of, and yet neglected. Christ was crucified for sinners, and yet many Christians live as if He was never crucified at all! J.C Ryles.
“When we say that Christ crucified is ALL THE COUNSEL of God, We mean by this Gods eternal and wise decree by which in His glorious wisdom He determined a course of events, for which He made the World, wherein He would obtain maximum glory to Himself, deservingly so, through the DEATH of His Son. John 12:27
When We say, that Christ Crucified is ALL THE COUNSEL of GOD we do not mean to disavow, neglect, or contradict all of the teachings of Holy scripture, by that which for many is nothing but a superficial expression of shallow religiosity; to the contrary, concerning creation, the fall of man, His utter and total depravity, an his only hope of redemption and salvation, His sanctification, and everlasting glory, faith, and suffering for his namesake, the glory of God, His triune beauty, His Sovereignty, power, fullness and immutability, through the Church ; the rebel, the reprobate, the hypocrite and false professors, devils, angels, things seen, unseen, thing now and things to come, ALL THINGS, are fully explained and understood, in light of both the facts and implications, scope, design and accomplishments of the Gospel of Christ and Him Crucified! That is what we mean! This is True Christianity!” PJ
Got it? 1cor 2:1-5