

Calvinism and Arminianism:
A Comparison by Greg Loren Durand

Calvinism (also known as Sovereign Grace)
Arminianism (also known as Free Will)

5 Points of Calvinism (TULIP)
5 Points of Arminianism (DAISY)

A Point by Point Comparison:

First Point: T- Total Depravity (TULIP) Calvinism

T-otal Depravity -- Due to the imputation of the fallen nature of Adam (Romans 5:12), every man is born inherently wicked (Genesis 6:5), completely hostile to his Creator (Romans 8:7), and thoroughly content to remain in his sin (John 3:19). Though a free moral agent, man's will is nevertheless bound in that he can only choose to do those things which are in accord with his own sinful nature (Ephesians 2:1-3). Consequently, apart from divine intervention, he cannot see God (John 3:3), he cannot hear God's Word (John 8:43, 47), he cannot receive God's truth (I Corinthians 2:14), and he cannot seek after God for salvation (Romans 3:11).

First Point: D - Dead but Somehow Alive (DAISY) Arminianism

D-ead but Somehow Alive-- Arminians either implicitly or explicitly reject the biblical doctrine of the imputation of Adam's fallen nature and categorically deny "Total Depravity." In other words, each individual is not born inherently sinful, but becomes an enemy of God sometime after a mythical "age of accountability" when he consciously decides to rebel against divine authority. Though it is believed that the person "dies spiritually" at this moment, he is nevertheless supposedly able to later respond to the call of the Gospel and to choose to believe in Christ of his own free will. Thus, faith is not seen as a divine gift, but as a human virtue.

Second Point: U - Unconditional Election (TULIP) Calvinism

U-nconditional Election-- Since man's spiritual condition is hopelessly lost, his eternal destiny rests solely in the hands of his Creator (Romans 9:20-21). Furthermore, since all men have sinned against God in thought, word, or deed, all stand guilty and justly condemned before Him (Romans 3:23). It is therefore the unquestionable prerogative of God to graciously bestow His pardon upon those whom He has sovereignly elected to pardon, while justly requiring those whom He has not elected to answer for and to eternally suffer for their wickedness (Exodus 33:19). Thus, those finally consigned to the lake of fire will have received exactly what they have earned, while those in heaven will be the recipients of a gift which they neither merited nor sought (Romans 6:23).

Second Point: A - Abolition of True Grace (DAISY) Arminianism

A-bolition of True Grace-- Since man is not completely dead spiritually, and is somehow able to come to God of his own volition, Arminians will invariably reinterpret the Bible's clear teachings on predestination to mean God's election of believers based upon His foreknowledge of their future choice. They also insist that God will never force anyone to come to Him against their will, but will gently reward for the righteous act of believing on the part of the sinner rather than the outpouring of the unconditional grace of God.

Third Point: L - Limited Atonement (TULIP) Calvinism

L-imited Atonement-- While the redemption of sinners was predetermined by God even before the creation of the world (Revelation 13:8), it was on Calvary where this providential grace was finally manifested to the world (Colossians 2:15). Christ's death on the cross was not a purposeless act of a hopeful Savior, but was specifically designed to atone for the sins of those whom God had elected out of the world to salvation (Luke 19:10). Being omnipotent in its power to save, Christ's Blood was nevertheless intended to be the purchase price of His Bride, the Church (Acts 20:28), and thus fully accomplished that purpose for which it was shed (John 19:30).

Third Point: I - Impotent Savior (DAISY) Arminianism

I-mpotent Savior-- Since they do not believe that the salvation of the individual believer was predetermined by God's eternal decree, Arminians necessarily reject the idea that Christ's redemptive work was in behalf of His elect only. It was instead undergone with the entire human race in mind, making salvation a possibility for all men. Such is a clear denial of the doctrine of an accomplished redemption and reduces the Son of God to a soteriological imposter who, in dying on the cross, invited all, but saved none. It also denigrates His Blood to a means to and end, rather than the end itself.

Fourth Point: I - Irresistible Grace (TULIP) Calvinism

I-rresistible Grace-- Since man in his fallen state is not able to seek after God, he is likewise not able to resist the special calling of God unto salvation (John 6:37). God's eternal election of His people coupled with Christ's death in behalf of these same individuals has rendered their salvation certain (Ephesians 1:4-5). It is impossible for the elect to decline God's grace simply because all innate desire to reject God has been removed and replaced with a new heart that seeks after Him (Ezekiel 36:26).

Fourth Point: S - Sovereignty of the Sinner (DAISY) Arminianism

S-overeignty of the Sinner-- Arminians have no concept of the sovereignty of God due to their insistence that His plans and desires may be thwarted and altered by the whims of mankind. Stressing in their evangelistic efforts that God does not wish any man to perish, they nevertheless believe that any man can reject God's gift of eternal life no matter how fervently He may attempt to bestow it upon the objects of His affection. Since the desires of fallen man can obviously take precedence over the decrees of their Creator, God becomes the servant of man rather than vice versa, and is merely a passive observer of worldly events, rather than the active Director thereof.

Fifth Point: P - Perseverance of the Saints (TULIP) Calvinism

P-erseverance of the Saints-- With a proper understanding of God's immutability (Malachi 3:6) and His eternal grace towards those whom He has elected (I Peter 5:10), the legitimate believer may rest in the assurance that his current favor with his Creator will not, and indeed cannot, ever be nullified or revoked (Romans 8:38-39). Though the Christian will never experience sinless perfection while still in his mortal state (Romans 7:21-24), he can be confident that the Holy Spirit will continually work within him to sanctify him (Philippians 2:12-13) and to conform him to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29) until he is finally glorified in the presence of God (I Corinthians 13:12). In this way, the three stages of salvation -- justification, sanctification, and glorification-- are the exclusive work of God (Hebrews 12:2), completely separate from the religious efforts of man (John 1:12-13).

Fifth Point: Y - Yielding Eternal Uncertainty (DAISY) Arminianism

Y-ielding Eternal Uncertainty-- Arminians that remain consistent with their beliefs also reject the biblical concept that genuine salvation is eternally secure and cannot be lost. If salvation can be traced to the individual choice of the believer, then it must logically follow that it can also be terminated by a similar act of the will. A God who is not sovereign in bestowing eternal life cannot be sovereign in preserving it and must again submit Himself to the whims of human freedom. And so, in direct contrast to the biblical view, Arminian soteriology is completely man-centered from beginning to end and for this reason must be rejected as the very dangerous heresy that it is.

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