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April 23, 2006

"This was a great day!"

    Here's why! First, we have gathered to worship the great triune God, in that grace which is revealed to us, in Jesus Christ. John 4:24,25. This experience of the saints in worship is the highlight of our week, to be together, to sing, pray, hear the gospel, and enjoy each other in the Holy Ghost. Rom 5:4. Secondly, I had the privilege of singing with my girls. You see those four young women down below? We sang together for the first time! Yes, they gave their Dad a one day contract. Thirdly, I had the wonderful privilege of baptizing eight beautiful sisters who have come to love the gospel of His Grace, and acknowledged several families and individuals into our fellowship. Fourthly, I also had the privilege to baptize the first three children God gave me and my wife. These three young women, with whom I had the pleasure to sing, "Rock of Ages cleft for me, let my hide myself in thee", were baptized, confessing Christ the Sovereign Lord! It can hardly get any better! Except the coming of our wonderful, adorable Majestic Savior! "To Him be Glory, by Christ Jesus through the Church!"

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Baptisms - January, 2006

Baptisms - August, 2005

Baptisms - September, 2004

Baptisms - August, 2004

Brothers & Sisters in Baptism - 1999


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Grace Bible Church: 1349 Hays Street - San Leandro, CA, 94577 - (510) 886-9782

Comments and Questions: WebMaster (Scott).