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Barbara Gistand
Parts 1 & 2
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Barbara Gistand
Part 3
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“The will of God ” Saturday Nov 10,2007

This women’s fellowship bible study addresses the critical issue of transformation. The need to be renewed in the mind. And to be renewed in the mind through the scriptures . There were three things propositioned of which our teacher for this meeting addressed, developed and discussed with the sisters.

1. The need to bring our thinking into subjection to the Word of God.  Rom 12:1,2 / 2cor 10:3-6

These passages make it essential to all believing women to be constantly reading their bibles in order to know the will of God. And to be able to discern the faulty world view which militates against everything which God calls godly women to as objects of His love and grace, along with other means of grace, such as teaching and preaching.

2. The fact that God promises to engage Himself in our hearts as we learn. Phil2:13

This promise assures us of the presence and working of God, to produce in us, not only an awareness of the truth, but a longing desire as well as a performance of those things God purposes for us to do . The joy of this promise is the intimate working of God, in our heart to reveal His glory and to produce his own fruit of obedience in us, so that we are sure that God, who is faithful will also do it. What a joyful promise

3. The marvelous result of His will being done, through us, from the heart with exceeding joy! Eph 6:6

To see God’s grace operating in our soul, and granting us both liberty and power to serve him, should bring tremendous joy, since we know that He is thereby, glorified! The commandments of God are therefore not burdensome, but delightful. This all requires a magnificent work of His divine Grace.

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Women's Meeting 9-06


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